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• Troy entered into an agreement with the U.S. Marshal Service to hold inmates pending federal charges. The revenue generated is used to offset operating costs and lift the burden from local taxpayers.


• Managed  $9,000,000 annual operating budget


• Troy implemented an EMR (electronic medical records) system to improve the documentation of medical care rendered to inmates. When Troy assumed responsibility of the jail, three nurses worked Monday-through Friday, days. Under his leadership, nurse coverage was expanded to seven days a week, 16 hours a day Monday through Friday and 12 hours a day on weekends.


• Within the last seven years as Major of Jail Operations, Troy partnered with Community Mental Health to secure a mental health jail diversion grant. The jail received $125,000 the first year (2015) to fund the diversion program. The grant, which is in its fifth year, is $247,000 which funds five full time positions to provide treatment to inmates who suffer from mental health illness. Troy designed the model to ensure the continuity of care, transportation and housing for all inmates in the program upon their release from jail. The Monroe model which is under monthly review by members from Wayne State University is hailed and promoted as the premier model across the state. As one positive outcome, since 2015, the rate of recidivism involving inmates with serious mental health illness was reduced from 32% to 16%.


• Troy implemented a mental health screening tool commonly referred to as a K-6 and an opioids/controlled substance screening which is utilized at the time of booking to identify individuals who suffer from mental health illness and/or opioid abuse to ensure quality of care during their incarceration.

In partnership with Community Mental Health, a second grant was secured to provide psychiatric services to inmates who suffer from mental health illness. The concept is to ensure the proper medication is being prescribed to treat their illness while incarcerated and post release.


• Monroe County Jail and Community Mental Health recently received a $450,000 grant (MI-Rep II) to treat inmates with Opioid addiction.


• Based on the success of the mental health jail diversion model, members of the Wayne State team contacted Troy and offered a $400,000 grant to the Monroe County Jail and Community Mental Health to develop a model like the mental health jail diversion model, to treat inmates and individuals in the community who suffer with opioid addiction through MAT (medication assisted therapy).


• Troy has traveled across the State to present to Sheriff’s, Undersheriff’s and Jail Administrators about Mental Health Jail Diversion and proactive steps organizations can take to shield them from liability.


• In addition to the listed programs, over the past seven years, Troy implemented several cost saving programs to improve the efficiency of both jails and save the taxpayers money. Troy upgraded all the lights in both jails to LED. The cost of the project ($127,000) was paid for in 24 months through energy costs savings.


• Troy upgraded all the CCTV (Close circuit television cameras) in both jails to improve the safety of not only the employees, but the inmates. 


• Upgraded several jail cell doors at the Main Jail and Inmate Dormitory to improve the safe working conditions for the officers and safety of the inmates.


• Troy upgraded the showers at the Inmate Dormitory to improve efficiency. The upgrades resulted in significant cost savings in water usage and related energy savings.


• Troy initiated a program to recycle metal food cans that resulted in trash collection being reduced from six days to three and generating approximately $150-$200 a month in revenue from the scrap.


• Purchased BWC (body worn cameras) for the officers to wear while working. This not only adds a layer of protection for the officers, but also discourages false allegations against the staff from inmates and shields the County of Monroe from liability.


• Troy holds many leadership roles. As an example, he represents the Sheriff’s Office on the Mental Health Court Team, as well as the Community Corrections Advisory Board. He is Vice Chair of the Region Five Jail Administrators group as well as Vice Chair of the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority Jail Diversion Task Force.


• Over the 29 years as a Monroe County Sheriff Deputy, Troy was selected by his peers as Deputy of the year and on two separate occasions selected as Command Officer of the year.


• Troy partnered with the learning bank to reimplement a program to provide education (i.e. GED) for inmates in the Jail to give them the tools to be productive members of society.


• Troy improved the menu for inmates to ensure a safe and nutritious diet without an increase in cost. As a result, inmates leave the jail healthier (lower A1C and hypertension).  


• Troy put in place a program for justice-involved Veterans that provided communication with Veteran advocacy organizations and provide comfort, care and treatment throughout the judicial process.

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